Galicia is our home, our environment, paradise on earth! We don’t know if it’s because we are Galician or if it’s something that happens to everyone… but we can’t stop marvelling at our land! For all of you who are coming to see us, and for those of you who are planning to come, we want to say that Raz SurfCamp is the right place for your surfing lessons, but if you want to get to know Galicia to the fullest, that has to be just the beginning! Here are some things to keep in mind to get to know Galicia as the meigas (Galician surfers) command 😉
Watch the sunset from the Cíes Islands. It doesn’t have much to envy to the sunset we see from the terrace of the camp (which is amazing!), but the Cíes Islands is a paradise difficult to describe… the best thing is that you check it by yourselves. The sky and the pink sea, the well-kept beaches, the icy water! These islands are a Galician wonder not to be missed.
Climbing the Tower of Hercules is worth it! And… no, it doesn’t have a lift, but for sporty people like you it’s not so many stairs! Did you know that it’s the only Roman lighthouse still in operation? And, most impressive of all, the Romans already used it! Going up to the top, thinking about history and also about the future is an essential requirement to be able to make a good show off of your visit to Galicia 😉
Eat pulpo á feira and raxo. The first… essential, you already know. What’s more, as soon as you eat the first one, you’ll want to eat it again and again. If it can be from pulpeira… all the better. The Raxo, not Razo, if you haven’t tried it, you’re already planning to! It is almost more typical than filloas, which, by the way, is an essential dessert!
Enjoy the rain. No, it’s not raining that much. And yes, we have summer. But if you can visit Galicia with rain, at least once, you will see it all very clearly. The green is greener. The grey of the stone is also tinged with green thanks to the moss. Everything changes colour and acquires a special melancholy under the rain. In addition, to complete the experience, it would be a good idea to learn at least one of the 100 words we Galicians use to describe rain: poalla, choiva, chuviscada, borraxeira?
Getting lost in As Fragas Do Eume. The “fragas” are a kind of self-managed forests, that is to say, not created by humans. These in particular are one of the purest and most authentic places in Galicia, where human intervention is scarce. Most species of Galician flora are found there. The fauna that inhabits it is also very varied. The smell is different. The colour is different… It is the Galician jungle.
Anyway, we still have a lot to tell you! We’ll have to do another post (or another 10) to be able to tell you everything you can’t miss in this Galician land… What do you want to enjoy the most?